CRC to PKR Currency Converter - Costa Rica Colones To Pakistan Rupee

Today 1 CRC To PKR Exchange Rate is Rs. 0.00. Find today current Costa Rica Colones to Pakistan Rupee conversion according to open market exchange rates. Buying and Selling rates of Dollar in Exchange market today with online calculator.

1 CRC = 0 PKR

1 CRC = 0.00 PKR
Your Conversion : 1 CRC = 0 PKR
Reverse Conversion : 0 PKR = 1 CRC

Costa Rica Colones Pakistan Rupee

Updated: Dec 05 2024

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Today Costa Rica Colones Rate to Pakistan Rupee (1 CRC to PKR) is 0 PKR, all prices are updated every hour to give you the best CRC to PKR conversion. This Costa Rica Colones to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan. Easily find the 1 CRC buying rate and selling rate in Pakistan. You can also convert all major currencies online.



Last 30 days LAST 90 DAYS
High 0.5475 0.5475
Low 0.5401 0.5315
Average 0.5443 0.5393


Date Rate
5 Dec, 2024 0.55
4 Dec, 2024 0.55
3 Dec, 2024 0.55
2 Dec, 2024 0.55
1 Dec, 2024 0.55
30 Nov, 2024 0.54
29 Nov, 2024 0.54
28 Nov, 2024 0.54
27 Nov, 2024 0.54
26 Nov, 2024 0.54
25 Nov, 2024 0.54
24 Nov, 2024 0.55
23 Nov, 2024 0.55
22 Nov, 2024 0.55
21 Nov, 2024 0.55


Currency is money. We exchange goods for cash in different mediums such as the Dollar, Euro, PKR, etc. The value of a currency depends upon its demands for employment, political stability, and trade. Here we will discuss the relation of CRC to PKR along with the economic conditions of both countries.

Trade is the most crucial factor which increases or decreases the rate of a currency. Trade and currency have a direct relationship with each other. If the trade is rising, the economy gets stability. If the export of a country is decreasing, the economy moves down.

Exports are the key to make currency grow. If the economy is weak, imports become costly, and the price of materials becomes high. Public live hand to mouth life at high prices. Exports provide a chance to make a competition in the international market and lift the currency value.


The official currency of Pakistan is PKR. It is from 1948. “State Bank Of Pakistan” regulates the currency of Pakistan. PKR consists of coins of 1, 2, 5, and 10 Rupees. It has notes of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, and 5000. The highest value currency note is Rs 5000. 

PKR is becoming more progressive due to the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Employment in Pakistan also increases due to CPEC.

The indicators of increasing currency value are employment opportunities. The public feels free to invest. The demand for lower-level investment is also increased. A stable currency makes the nation powerful and self-dependent. The rate of unemployment decreases with prosperity.


CRC is the abbreviation of Costa Rican Colon. It is the official currency of the Costa Rica country situated in Central America. The exchange of 1 CRC to PKR is around 0. It does not remain constant. The fluctuation of exchange rates depends upon the economy of the two countries.

 In 1896 they introduced Colon. They introduced coins of 2, 5, 10, and 20 Colones made of gold. In 1992 they structured a note of 5000 Colone. In 1997 they introduced a banknote of 2000 and 10000 Colones too. Now, they have coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 500 Colones. Its frequently used notes are 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, and 50000 Colones. They rarely use notes of 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, and 100 Colones.

The Central Bank Of Costa Rica regulates the currency. Costa Rica has a wealthy economy. The highest economy growing factor is tourism. They have natural resources, natural parks, and natural reserves for the tourists. They grab the attention of tourists using nature. Costa Rica hosts almost 1.7 million tourists per year from Europe. Annually they earn approximately 2 billion dollars from tourism.

The second rising factor of the economy is agriculture. Costa Rica has advanced agriculture methods. They have fertile lands and frequent rainfalls.

The third economic rising factor is the export of electronic items. Costa Rica has approximately an export of $10.81 billion.


Both currencies have their value in the international market. The development in the infrastructure of Pakistan is becoming stable due to CPEC. The power of PKR is growing day by day. CRC is making its position through tourism. Also, Costa Rica has a unique agriculture system and massive exports.

However, PKR is stronger than CRC. The exchange rate keeps on going up and down, but the Pakistani Rupee is sustaining its higher position for many years.