Prime Number Calculator

A prime number is a number that is divisible by one and itself only. The online prime number calculator at UrduPoint tells you if any given number is a prime number or not. You can immediately check whether any complex number is prime or not. This prime number checker online is easy to use. Enter the prime number you want to check, press 'Calculate,' and you will instantly get the answer.

Prime Number Calculator

Prime Number Calculator

Prime Number calculator is another calculator facility for the Urdu Points users. This calculator allows you to calculate or verify a number whether it is a prime number or not.

The definition of a prime number is all the natural numbers that are divisible by 1 or by themselves fit into the definition of prime numbers.

All you need to do is enter the natural number into the prime number calculator and the calculator will bring out the possible prime number or numbers for you. There is another function that is performed by this calculator, that is it will calculate the prime number at the same time it will tell you the composite number as well.

Composite numbers are the number that has the values that are divisible by 1, itself, or any other natural number that it can divide it.

Let us guide you through some examples so that you might get a clear idea of what prime numbers are

How this calculator works

The working of the calculator is simple and allows you to see whether the natural numbers you are posting on it are the prime numbers.


For instance, you wanted to know whether 2 is a prime number?

You just need to punch the number into the calculator and press the submit button, within just a blink of an eye you see the result in front of you.


Now if you wanted to know whether 17 is a prime number or not?

The same process to be repeated for operating this simple prime number calculator. After the submission, the answer will appear right before your eyes. Further, it is a prime number.


What if 24 is a prime number?

The answer to this question is no. 24 is divisible by 1,2,24. This makes it a composite number but not a prime number.

Neither Prime no Composite numbers

Prime numbers will always be natural numbers. They must be greater than 1, and they should not be negative numbers. As negative numbers cannot become prime numbers whatever the case may be. Further, 0 & 1 are neither prime numbers nor they are composite numbers.

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