Acquire Meaning In Urdu
Acquire Meaning in English to Urdu is پانا, as written in Urdu and Paana, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Acquire which include Access, Achieve, Amass, Annex, Attain, Buy, Catch, Collect, Cop, Corral, Earn, Gain, Gather, Get, Grab, Have, Hustle, Land, Secure, Snag, Take, Wangle, Win, Promote, Pick Up, Procure, Get Hands On, Get Hold Of, Lock Up, Take Possession Of, Bring In, Latch Onto, etc.
[uh-kwahyuh r]
Haasil Karna | حاصل کرنا |
Paana | پانا |
Paida Karna | پیدا کرنا |
Maalik Banna | مالک بننا |
Form Verb (used With Object), Acquired, Acquiring.
How To Spell Acquire [uh-kwahyuh r]
Origin of Acquire Late Middle English acquere, from Old French aquerre, based on Latin acquirere ‘get in addition’, from ad- ‘to’ + quaerere ‘seek’. The English spelling was modified ( c 1600) by association with the Latin word.
Synonyms For Acquire , Similar to Acquire
Access, Achieve, Amass, Annex, Attain, Buy, Catch, Collect, Cop, Corral, Earn, Gain, Gather, Get, Grab, Have, Hustle, Land, Secure, Snag, Take, Wangle, Win, Promote, Pick Up, Procure, Get Hands On, Get Hold Of, Lock Up, Take Possession Of, Bring In, Latch Onto,Antonyms For Acquire , Opposite to Acquire
Disperse, Divide, Fail, Forfeit, Forgo, Give, Lose, Miss, Misunderstand, Pass, Release, Relinquish, Scatter, Spend, Surrender, Yield, Give Up, Let Go, Throw Away,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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