Apportion Meaning In Urdu
Apportion Meaning in English to Urdu is بانٹنا, as written in Urdu and Baantna, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Apportion which include Accord, Admeasure, Administer, Allocate, Allot, Assign, Bestow, Cut, Deal, Dispense, Distribute, Give, Lot, Measure, Mete, Parcel, Part, Partition, Ration, Slice, Split, Dole Out, Cut Up, Split Up, Prorate, Divvy Up, etc.
[uh-pawr-shuh n, uh-pohr-]
Baantna | بانٹنا |
Jaez Haq Dena | جائز حق دینا |
Definitions of Apportion
transitive v. To divide and assign in just proportion; to divide and distribute proportionally; to portion out; to allot
Form Verb (used With Object)
How To Spell Apportion [uh-pawr-shuh n, uh-pohr-]
Origin of Apportion Late 16th century: from Old French apportionner or medieval Latin apportionare, from ad- ‘to’ + portionare ‘divide into portions’.
Synonyms For Apportion , Similar to Apportion
Accord, Admeasure, Administer, Allocate, Allot, Assign, Bestow, Cut, Deal, Dispense, Distribute, Give, Lot, Measure, Mete, Parcel, Part, Partition, Ration, Slice, Split, Dole Out, Cut Up, Split Up, Prorate, Divvy Up,Antonyms For Apportion , Opposite to Apportion
Combine, Deny, Hold, Join, Keep, Monopolize, Refuse, Take, Unite, Withhold,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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