Belittle Meaning In Urdu
Belittle Meaning in English to Urdu is گھٹانا, as written in Urdu and Ghatana, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Belittle which include Blister, Criticize, Decry, Deprecate, Depreciate, Deride, Derogate, Diminish, Discount, Discredit, Disparage, Dispraise, Downgrade, Downplay, Knock, Lower, Minimize, Pan, Rip, Roast, Scorch, Scorn, Slam, Smear, Squash, Squelch, Underestimate, Underrate, Undervalue, Write Off, Put Down, Run Down, Tear Down, Dump On, Take Down, Cut Down To Size, Cut To The Quick, Sour Grapes, etc.
Kam Karna | کم کرنا |
Tehqeer Karna | تحقیر کرنا |
Ghatana | گھٹانا |
Definitions of Belittle
transitive v. To make little or less in a moral sense; to speak of in a depreciatory or contemptuous way.
Form Verb (used With Object), Belittled, Belittling.
How To Spell Belittle [bih-lit-l]
Origin of Belittle Late 18th century: from be- + little; a coinage of Thomas Jefferson originally meaning ‘diminish in size, make small’.
Synonyms For Belittle , Similar to Belittle
Blister, Criticize, Decry, Deprecate, Depreciate, Deride, Derogate, Diminish, Discount, Discredit, Disparage, Dispraise, Downgrade, Downplay, Knock, Lower, Minimize, Pan, Rip, Roast, Scorch, Scorn, Slam, Smear, Squash, Squelch, Underestimate, Underrate, Undervalue, Write Off, Put Down, Run Down, Tear Down, Dump On, Take Down, Cut Down To Size, Cut To The Quick, Sour Grapes,Antonyms For Belittle , Opposite to Belittle
Approve, Commend, Compliment, Enlarge, Exaggerate, Flatter, Increase, Laud, Overestimate, Overrate, Overvalue, Praise, Raise, Upgrade, Value, Build Up,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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