Fashionable Meaning In Urdu
Fashionable Meaning in English to Urdu is وضع دار, as written in Urdu and Waza Daar, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Fashionable which include Chic, Contemporary, Current, Customary, Dashing, Favored, Fly, Genteel, Hot, Latest, Mod, Modern, Modish, Natty, New, Newfangled, Now, Popular, Rakish, Smart, Swank, Trendy, Usual, Chichi, In Vogue, Last Word, Latest Thing, Prevailing, With It, All The Rage, Faddy, In Style, Trendsetting, Upscale, à La Mode, etc.
[fash-uh-nuh-buh l]
وضع دار
Waza Daar
Pabandi Waza | پابندی وضع |
Waza Daar | وضع دار |
Definitions of Fashionable
adj. Conforming to the fashion or established mode; according with the prevailing form or style.
adj. Established or favored by custom or use; current; prevailing at a particular time.
adj. Observant of the fashion or customary mode; dressing or behaving according to the prevailing fashion.
adj. Genteel; well-bred.
n. A person who conforms to the fashions; -- used chiefly in the plural.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Fashionable [fash-uh-nuh-buh l]
Synonyms For Fashionable , Similar to Fashionable
Chic, Contemporary, Current, Customary, Dashing, Favored, Fly, Genteel, Hot, Latest, Mod, Modern, Modish, Natty, New, Newfangled, Now, Popular, Rakish, Smart, Swank, Trendy, Usual, Chichi, In Vogue, Last Word, Latest Thing, Prevailing, With It, All The Rage, Faddy, In Style, Trendsetting, Upscale, à La Mode,Antonyms For Fashionable , Opposite to Fashionable
Dull, Old, Out, Outdated, Unfashionable, Unpopular, Worn, Unstylish,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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