Nostalgia Meaning In Urdu

Nostalgia Meaning in Urdu is ماضی میں کھونا, as written in Urdu and Maazi Mein Khona, as written in Roman Urdu. Another Nostalgia Urdu Meaning is Furqat Watan Ki Bemari. Find more Nostalgia Meanings, definitions and synonyms on this page.


[no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-]

ماضی میں کھونا

Maazi Mein Khona

Form Noun

How To Spell Nostalgia [no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-]

Nostalgia Meaning In Urdu

Nostalgia Meaning in Urdu is ماضی میں کھونا, as written in Urdu and Maazi Mein Khona, as written in Roman Urdu. Another Nostalgia Urdu Meaning is FurqatWatan Ki Bemari.You can also click on this meaning to explore it in detail. We have written meanings both in Urdu and Roman Urdu. According to our definition, nostalgia stands for ‘homesickness especially, a severe and sometimes fatal form of melancholia.’ It is a noun according to parts of speech. The accurate pronunciation of Nostalgia is [no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-]. Nostalgia originated in the late 18th century (in the sense ‘acute homesickness’). It is related to modern Latin (translating German Heimweh ‘homesickness’) and from Greek nostos ‘return home’ + algos ‘pain’. You can also check Nostalgic Meaning in Urdu to understand better.

Other Nostalgia English Meanings include Homesickness, Longing, Pining, Reminiscence, Remorse, Schmaltz, Sentimentality, Wistfulness, Yearning and Fond Memories. Use Urdupoint’s Online English to Urdu Dictionary to find more English to Urdu Meanings, translations and synonyms.

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