Outrageous Meaning In Urdu
Outrageous Meaning in English to Urdu is غضب ناک, as written in Urdu and Ghazab Naak, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Outrageous which include Abominable, Atrocious, Barbaric, Beastly, Brazen, Contemptible, Corrupt, Criminal, Debasing, Debauching, Degenerate, Depraving, Disgraceful, Egregious, Flagitious, Flagrant, Gross, Heinous, Horrendous, Horrible, Ignoble, Infamous, Inhuman, Iniquitous, Malevolent, Monstrous, Nefarious, Notorious, Odious, Opprobrious, Scandalous, Scurrilous, Shameless, Shocking, Sinful, Unbearable, Ungodly, Unspeakable, Villainous, Violent, Wanton, Wicked, Contumelious, etc.
[out-rey-juh s]
غضب ناک
Ghazab Naak
Ghazab Alood | غضب آلود |
Ghazab Naak | غضب ناک |
Definitions of Outrageous
adj. Of the nature of an outrage; exceeding the limits of right, reason, or decency; such as to cause outrage; involving or doing an outrage; furious; violent; atrocious.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Outrageous [out-rey-juh s]
Origin of Outrageous Late Middle English: from Old French outrageus, from outrage ‘excess’ (see outrage).
Synonyms For Outrageous , Similar to Outrageous
Abominable, Atrocious, Barbaric, Beastly, Brazen, Contemptible, Corrupt, Criminal, Debasing, Debauching, Degenerate, Depraving, Disgraceful, Egregious, Flagitious, Flagrant, Gross, Heinous, Horrendous, Horrible, Ignoble, Infamous, Inhuman, Iniquitous, Malevolent, Monstrous, Nefarious, Notorious, Odious, Opprobrious, Scandalous, Scurrilous, Shameless, Shocking, Sinful, Unbearable, Ungodly, Unspeakable, Villainous, Violent, Wanton, Wicked, Contumelious,Antonyms For Outrageous , Opposite to Outrageous
Acceptable, Clean, Delightful, Gentle, Good, Magnificent, Mild, Moral, Pleasing, Reasonable, Sensible, Wonderful,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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