Passive Meaning In Urdu
Passive Meaning in English to Urdu is سست, as written in Urdu and Sust, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Passive which include Acquiescent, Apathetic, Asleep, Bearing, Compliant, Cool, Docile, Enduring, Flat, Forbearing, Idle, Indifferent, Inert, Latent, Moony, Motionless, Nonviolent, Patient, Phlegmatic, Quiescent, Quiet, Receptive, Resigned, Sleepy, Static, Stolid, Submissive, Tractable, Unflappable, Uninvolved, Yielding, Going Through Motions, Hands Off, etc.
Majhool | مجھول |
Ghair Mutaharik | غیر متحرک |
Sust | سست |
Muthammil | متحمل |
Ghair Fa-aal | غیر فعال |
Definitions of Passive
adj. Not active, but acted upon; suffering or receiving impressions or influences.
adj. Receiving or enduring without either active sympathy or active resistance; without emotion or excitement; patient; not opposing; unresisting
adj. Inactive; inert; unreactive; not showing strong affinity.
adj. Designating certain morbid conditions, as hemorrhage or dropsy, characterized by relaxation of the vessels and tissues, with deficient vitality and lack of reaction in the affected tissues.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Passive [pas-iv]
Origin of Passive Late Middle English (in passive (sense 2 of the adjective), also in the sense ‘(exposed to) suffering, acted on by an external agency’): from Latin passivus, from pass- ‘suffered’, from the verb pati.
Synonyms For Passive , Similar to Passive
Acquiescent, Apathetic, Asleep, Bearing, Compliant, Cool, Docile, Enduring, Flat, Forbearing, Idle, Indifferent, Inert, Latent, Moony, Motionless, Nonviolent, Patient, Phlegmatic, Quiescent, Quiet, Receptive, Resigned, Sleepy, Static, Stolid, Submissive, Tractable, Unflappable, Uninvolved, Yielding, Going Through Motions, Hands Off,Antonyms For Passive , Opposite to Passive
Active, Agitated, Caring, Concerned, Dynamic, Impatient, Interested, Lively,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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