Picture Meaning In Urdu
Picture Meaning in English to Urdu is نقش, as written in Urdu and Naqsh, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Picture which include Account, Acidifying, Art, Blueprint, Canvas, Cartoon, Copy, Delineation, Depiction, Description, Doodle, Double, Draft, Drawing, Duplicate, Effigy, Engraving, Figure, Icon, Image, Impression, Outline, Painting, Panorama, Photo, Photograph, Piece, Portrait, Portrayal, Replica, Report, Representation, Ringer, Similitude, Simulacrum, Sketch, Spectacle, Statue, Tableau, Twin, Print, Spitting Image, etc.
Tasweer | تصویر |
Shabeeh | شبیہ |
Soorat | صورت |
Naqsh | نقش |
Tasweer Kashi | تصویر کشی |
Definitions of Picture
n. The art of painting; representation by painting.
n. A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, produced by means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc.; a representation in colors. By extension, a figure; a model.
n. An image or resemblance; a representation, either to the eye or to the mind; that which, by its likeness, brings vividly to mind some other thing
transitive v. To draw or paint a resemblance of; to delineate; to represent; to form or present an ideal likeness of; to bring before the mind.
Form Noun
How To Spell Picture [pik-cher]
Synonyms For Picture , Similar to Picture
Account, Acidifying, Art, Blueprint, Canvas, Cartoon, Copy, Delineation, Depiction, Description, Doodle, Double, Draft, Drawing, Duplicate, Effigy, Engraving, Figure, Icon, Image, Impression, Outline, Painting, Panorama, Photo, Photograph, Piece, Portrait, Portrayal, Replica, Report, Representation, Ringer, Similitude, Simulacrum, Sketch, Spectacle, Statue, Tableau, Twin, Print, Spitting Image,Antonyms For Picture , Opposite to Picture
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