Representative Meaning In Urdu
Representative Meaning in English to Urdu is ایجنٹ, as written in Urdu and Agent, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Representative which include Adumbrative, Archetypal, Classic, Classical, Emblematic, Evocative, Exemplary, Ideal, Illustrative, Model, Quintessential, Rep, Symbolic, Symbolical, Delineative, Prototypal, Prototypical, Depictive, Presentational, etc.
Qaim Maqam | قائم مقام |
Janasheen | جانشین |
Numainda | نمائندہ |
Karinda | کارندہ |
Agent | ایجنٹ |
Definitions of Representative
adj. Fitted to represent; exhibiting a similitude.
adj. Bearing the character or power of another; acting for another or others.
adj. Conducted by persons chosen to represent, or act as deputies for, the people.
adj. Serving or fitted to present the full characters of the type of a group; typical.
adj. Similar in general appearance, structure, and habits, but living in different regions; -- said of certain species and varieties.
adj. Giving, or existing as, a transcript of what was originally presentative knowledge. See Presentative, 3 and Represent, 8.
n. One who, or that which, represents (anything); that which exhibits a likeness or similitude.
n. An agent, deputy, or substitute, who supplies the place of another, or others, being invested with his or their authority.
n. One who represents, or stands in the place of, another.
n. A member of the lower or popular house in a State legislature, or in the national Congress.
n. That which presents the full character of the type of a group.
n. A species or variety which, in any region, takes the place of a similar one in another region.
Form Noun
How To Spell Representative [rep-ri-zen-tuh-tiv]
Synonyms For Representative , Similar to Representative
Adumbrative, Archetypal, Classic, Classical, Emblematic, Evocative, Exemplary, Ideal, Illustrative, Model, Quintessential, Rep, Symbolic, Symbolical, Delineative, Prototypal, Prototypical, Depictive, Presentational,Antonyms For Representative , Opposite to Representative
Atypical, Different, Imperfect, Uncharacteristic, Unrepresentative,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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