Sullen Meaning In Urdu
Sullen Meaning in English to Urdu is خفا, as written in Urdu and Khafa, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Sullen which include Aadil, Cheerless, Churlish, Crabby, Cross, Cynical, Dismal, Dour, Dull, Fretful, Frowning, Gloomy, Glum, Gruff, Grumpy, Heavy, Hostile, Inert, Irritable, Malevolent, Malicious, Malign, Mean, Moody, Morose, Obstinate, Ornery, Peevish, Perverse, Pessimistic, Petulant, Querulous, Saturnine, Silent, Somber, Sour, Stubborn, Sulky, Surly, Tenebrous, Ugly, Out Of Sorts, etc.
[suhl-uh n]
Khafa | خفا |
Aazurda | آزردہ |
Bezaar | بیزار |
Definitions of Sullen
adj. Lonely; solitary; desolate.
adj. Gloomy; dismal; foreboding.
adj. Mischievous; malignant; unpropitious.
adj. Gloomily angry and silent; cross; sour; affected with ill humor; morose.
adj. Obstinate; intractable.
adj. Heavy; dull; sluggish.
n. One who is solitary, or lives alone; a hermit.
n. Sullen feelings or manners; sulks; moroseness.
transitive v. To make sullen or sluggish.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Sullen [suhl-uh n]
Origin of Sullen Middle English (in the senses ‘solitary, averse to company’, and ‘unusual’): from Anglo-Norman French sulein, from sol ‘sole’.
Synonyms For Sullen , Similar to Sullen
Aadil, Cheerless, Churlish, Crabby, Cross, Cynical, Dismal, Dour, Dull, Fretful, Frowning, Gloomy, Glum, Gruff, Grumpy, Heavy, Hostile, Inert, Irritable, Malevolent, Malicious, Malign, Mean, Moody, Morose, Obstinate, Ornery, Peevish, Perverse, Pessimistic, Petulant, Querulous, Saturnine, Silent, Somber, Sour, Stubborn, Sulky, Surly, Tenebrous, Ugly, Out Of Sorts,Antonyms For Sullen , Opposite to Sullen
Agreeable, Bright, Cheerful, Friendly, Gentle, Grinning, Happy, Joyful, Kind, Nice, Pleasant,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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