Sure Meaning In Urdu
Sure Meaning in English to Urdu is یقینی, as written in Urdu and Yaqeeni, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Sure which include Abiding, Assured, Bogs, Changeless, Clear, Confident, Constant, Convinced, Convincing, Decided, Doubtless, Enduring, Firm, Fixed, Genuine, Incontestable, Incontrovertible, Indisputable, Indubitable, Persuaded, Positive, Real, Satisfied, Set, Steadfast, Steady, Telling, Unchangeable, Unchanging, Uncompromising, Undeniable, Unequivocal, Unfailing, Unfaltering, Unqualified, Unquestionable, Unquestioning, Unshakable, Unshaken, Unvarying, Unwavering, Valid, For A Fact, etc.
[shoo r, shur]
Yaqeeni | یقینی |
Qabil E Aitbaar | قابل اعتبار |
Bharosay Ka | بھروسے کا |
Definitions of Sure
adj. Certainly knowing and believing; confident beyond doubt; implicity trusting; unquestioning; positive.
adj. Certain to find or retain.
adj. Fit or worthy to be depended on; certain not to fail or disappoint expectation; unfailing; strong; permanent; enduring.
adj. Betrothed; engaged to marry.
adj. Free from danger; safe; secure.
adv. In a sure manner; safely; certainly.
Form Adjective, Surer, Surest.
How To Spell Sure [shoo r, shur]
Synonyms For Sure , Similar to Sure
Abiding, Assured, Bogs, Changeless, Clear, Confident, Constant, Convinced, Convincing, Decided, Doubtless, Enduring, Firm, Fixed, Genuine, Incontestable, Incontrovertible, Indisputable, Indubitable, Persuaded, Positive, Real, Satisfied, Set, Steadfast, Steady, Telling, Unchangeable, Unchanging, Uncompromising, Undeniable, Unequivocal, Unfailing, Unfaltering, Unqualified, Unquestionable, Unquestioning, Unshakable, Unshaken, Unvarying, Unwavering, Valid, For A Fact,Antonyms For Sure , Opposite to Sure
Doubted, Doubtful, Dubious, Humbled, Indefinite, Swerving, Uncertain, Unsteady, Unsure, Variable, Wavering, Wobbly, Unconfident,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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