Unapt Meaning In Urdu
Unapt Meaning in English to Urdu is سُست, as written in Urdu and Sust, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Unapt which include Abnormal, Abscond, Awkward, Discordant, Discrepant, Erroneous, False, Imprudent, Inaccurate, Inadmissible, Inadvisable, Inapplicable, Inappropriate, Inapt, Incongruous, Incorrect, Inept, Inexpedient, Infelicitous, Inharmonious, Inopportune, Irregular, Ludicrous, Malapropos, Odd, Unbecoming, Uncomely, Undue, Unfit, Unseasonable, Unseemly, Unsuitable, Unsuited, Untimely, Unwarranted, Wrong, Preposterous, Unbefitting, At Odds, Bad Form, etc.
Na Mozoon | ناموزُوں |
Na Munasib | نامُناسَب |
Be Takka | بے تُکا |
Sust | سُست |
Nikamma | نِکَمّا |
Definitions of Unapt
adj. Inapt; slow; dull.
adj. Unsuitable; unfit; inappropriate.
adj. Not accustomed and not likely; not disposed.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Unapt [uhn-apt]
Synonyms For Unapt , Similar to Unapt
Abnormal, Abscond, Awkward, Discordant, Discrepant, Erroneous, False, Imprudent, Inaccurate, Inadmissible, Inadvisable, Inapplicable, Inappropriate, Inapt, Incongruous, Incorrect, Inept, Inexpedient, Infelicitous, Inharmonious, Inopportune, Irregular, Ludicrous, Malapropos, Odd, Unbecoming, Uncomely, Undue, Unfit, Unseasonable, Unseemly, Unsuitable, Unsuited, Untimely, Unwarranted, Wrong, Preposterous, Unbefitting, At Odds, Bad Form,Top Trending Words
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Quran | قُرآنِ پاک |
Pakistan | پاکستان |
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Metabolism | غذا کا جز و بدن ہونا |
Spouse | زوج |
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