Wicked Meaning In Urdu
Wicked Meaning in English to Urdu is برا, as written in Urdu and Bura, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Wicked which include Abandoned, Abominable, Arch, Atrocious, Base, Begun, Contemptible, Debased, Degenerate, Depraved, Devilish, Dissolute, Egregious, Evil, Fiendish, Flagitious, Foul, Gross, Guilty, Heartless, Heinous, Immoral, Impious, Impish, Incorrigible, Indecent, Iniquitous, Irreligious, Mean, Mischievous, Nasty, Naughty, Nefarious, Reprobate, Rotten, Scandalous, Shameful, Shameless, Sinful, Vicious, Villainous, Wayward, Bad News, Profane, etc.
Bura | برا |
Paapi | پاپی |
Bay Deen | بے دین |
Bud Aamal | بد اعمال |
Badkaar | بدکار |
Definitions of Wicked
adj. Having a wick; -- used chiefly in composition.
adj. Evil in principle or practice; deviating from morality; contrary to the moral or divine law; addicted to vice or sin; sinful; immoral; profligate; -- said of persons and things
adj. Cursed; baneful; hurtful; bad; pernicious; dangerous.
adj. Ludicrously or sportively mischievous; disposed to mischief; roguish.
Form Adjective, Wickeder, Wickedest.
How To Spell Wicked [wik-id]
Origin of Wicked Middle English: probably from Old English wicca ‘witch’ + -ed.
Synonyms For Wicked , Similar to Wicked
Abandoned, Abominable, Arch, Atrocious, Base, Begun, Contemptible, Debased, Degenerate, Depraved, Devilish, Dissolute, Egregious, Evil, Fiendish, Flagitious, Foul, Gross, Guilty, Heartless, Heinous, Immoral, Impious, Impish, Incorrigible, Indecent, Iniquitous, Irreligious, Mean, Mischievous, Nasty, Naughty, Nefarious, Reprobate, Rotten, Scandalous, Shameful, Shameless, Sinful, Vicious, Villainous, Wayward, Bad News, Profane,Antonyms For Wicked , Opposite to Wicked
Aiding, Amateur, Assisting, Behaved, Clean, Decent, Friendly, Good, Helpful, Kind, Moral, Nice, Obedient, Pleasant, Useful, Worthwhile,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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