Urdu Word جمع کرنا Meaning in English
The Urdu Word جمع کرنا Meaning in English is Mob. The other similar words are Awam Al Naas, Balwah Karna, Ghadar Machana, Anbwah Gardi Karna and Jama Karna. The synonyms of Mob include are Aahan, Assemblage, Body, Cabal, Camp, Cattle, Circle, Clan, Class, Clique, Collection, Commonality, Company, Coterie, Crew, Crowd, Crush, Drove, Flock, Gang, Gathering, Herd, Horde, Host, Jam, Lot, Mass, Masses, Multitude, Pack, Populace, Posse, Rabble, Riffraff, Ring, Riot, Scum, Set, Swarm, Throng, Troop, Press and Proletariat. Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English.
جمع کرنا
Jama Karna
Awam Al Naas | عوام الناس |
Balwah Karna | بلوہ کرنا |
Ghadar Machana | غدر مچانا |
Anbwah Gardi Karna | انبوہ گردی کرنا |
Jama Karna | جمع کرنا |
Definitions of Mob
n. A mobcap.
n. The lower classes of a community; the populace, or the lowest part of it.
n. A throng; a rabble; esp., an unlawful or riotous assembly; a disorderly crowd.
transitive v. To wrap up in, or cover with, a cowl.
transitive v. To crowd about, as a mob, and attack or annoy.
Form Noun
How To Spell Mob [mob]
Origin of Mob Late 17th century: abbreviation of archaic mobile, short for Latin mobile vulgus ‘excitable crowd’.
Synonyms For Mob , Similar to Mob
Aahan, Assemblage, Body, Cabal, Camp, Cattle, Circle, Clan, Class, Clique, Collection, Commonality, Company, Coterie, Crew, Crowd, Crush, Drove, Flock, Gang, Gathering, Herd, Horde, Host, Jam, Lot, Mass, Masses, Multitude, Pack, Populace, Posse, Rabble, Riffraff, Ring, Riot, Scum, Set, Swarm, Throng, Troop, Press, Proletariat,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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