Urdu Word یقین نہ کرنے والا Meaning in English
The Urdu Word یقین نہ کرنے والا Meaning in English is Incredulous. The other similar words are Yaqeen Nah Karnay Wala, Ghair Mutaqid and Bay Aqeedah. The synonyms of Incredulous include are Disbelieving, Distrustful, Doubtful, Doubting, Dubious, Hesitant, Mistrustful, Questioning, Quizzical, Skeptical, Suspect, Suspicious, Uncertain, Unconvinced, Unsatisfied and Wary. Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English.
یقین نہ کرنے والا
Yaqeen Nah Karnay Wala
[in-krej-uh-luh s]
Yaqeen Nah Karnay Wala | یقین نہ کرنے والا |
Ghair Mutaqid | غیر معتقد |
Bay Aqeedah | بے عقیدہ |
Definitions of Incredulous
adj. Not credulous; indisposed to admit or accept that which is related as true, skeptical; unbelieving.
adj. Indicating, or caused by, disbelief or incredulity.
adj. Incredible; not easy to be believed.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Incredulous [in-krej-uh-luh s]
Origin of Incredulous 16th century: from Latin incredulus (from in- ‘not’ + credulus ‘believing, trusting’, from credere ‘believe’) + -ous.
Synonyms For Incredulous , Similar to Incredulous
Disbelieving, Distrustful, Doubtful, Doubting, Dubious, Hesitant, Mistrustful, Questioning, Quizzical, Skeptical, Suspect, Suspicious, Uncertain, Unconvinced, Unsatisfied, Wary,Antonyms For Incredulous , Opposite to Incredulous
Believing, Certain, Convinced, Credulous, Definite, Sure, Unquestionable,Free Online Dictionary
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