Govt High School (GHS) Ali Sher Wahin, Jahanian, Khanewal

Govt High School Ali Sher Wahin, Jahanian is located in Khanewal District of Punjab Province in Pakistan. There are total 569 students and 21 teachers, and 11 classrooms in the school. There is no computer lab or computer students, and no library for students is available.. Muhammad Ramzan is the headmaster of the school. You can find more information about GHS Ali Sher Wahin, Jahanian School including Admissions, Basic Facilities, Sports Facilities, Academic Facilities, Enrollment of Students according to class & teachers profile according to their designation and qualifications.

GHS Ali Sher Wahin, Jahanian Facilities

Basic Facilities

Drinking WaterAvailable
Boundary WallAvailable
Main GateAvailable
Play GroundNot Available
ToiletsNot Available
Teachers Furniture21
Students Furniture569

Sports Facilities

Table TennisNo

Academic Facilities

No.of Books1133
Computer LabsNo
Computer Students60

Enrollment of Student

Kachi55 Students
Class 134 Students
Class 245 Students
Class 342 Students
Class 438 Students
Class 534 Students
Class 650 Students
Class 775 Students
Class 862 Students
Class 968 Students
Class 1066 Students

Latest Comments

Govt high school ali sher wahin is best school sir masjid kaleem is a best teacher sst 👨‍💼

By: Muhammad Faiz Fareed on 15-05-2023

Govt high school ali sher wahin is best school sir masjid kaleem is a best teacher sst 👨‍💼

By: Muhammad Faiz Fareed on 15-05-2023

Govt high school ali sher wahin is best school sir masjid kaleem is a best teacher sst 👨‍💼

By: Muhammad Faiz Fareed on 15-05-2023