Govt Girls High School (GGHS) Hadali, Khushab

Govt Girls High School Hadali is located in Khushab District of Punjab Province in Pakistan. There are total 608 students and 21 teachers, and 11 classrooms in the school. There is no computer lab or computer students, and no library for students is available.. Farzana Nasim is the headmaster of the school. You can find more information about GGHS Hadali School including Admissions, Basic Facilities, Sports Facilities, Academic Facilities, Enrollment of Students according to class & teachers profile according to their designation and qualifications.

GGHS Hadali Facilities

Basic Facilities

Drinking WaterAvailable
Boundary WallAvailable
Main GateAvailable
Play GroundNot Available
ToiletsNot Available
Teachers Furniture11
Students Furniture300

Sports Facilities

Table TennisNo

Academic Facilities

No.of Books1449
Computer LabsNo
Computer Students16

Enrollment of Student

Kachi100 Students
Class 152 Students
Class 253 Students
Class 338 Students
Class 438 Students
Class 528 Students
Class 666 Students
Class 743 Students
Class 864 Students
Class 961 Students
Class 1065 Students

Latest Comments

AOA. CEO is requested to visit the school and arrange a meeting with notables and UC Nazim as well as well settled persons of the city and arrange the basic requirements (computer Lab. Toilet. Elec Water cooler etc) through govt funds and donation from large no of peoples of Hadali settled in out country and I hope they will help in welfare their school going daughters. I am will donation. Posting of staff may be considered if performance is not satisfactory and ensure presence during instead attending waleema and qullkhawani. Jazakallah

By: Shah Muhammad on 23-07-2023