70 Year Old Develops 42 Ways Of Bringing Economic Crisis In Pakistan


70 year old develops 42 ways of bringing economic crisis in Pakistan

The race of declining country’s economy is at full swings, and what is the best way to do so? Yes, create the beautiful wonder that is life, or in other words get that woman pregnant. In an uberly-developed country like Pakistan, each man is looking for a door to door opportunity to contribute their ‘fair-share’ for the country’s ‘growth’.

Among all these determined decent gentlemen, who have committed to overpopulate the earth, two names should not go unnoticed: Jan Muhammad Khilji the Great and Haji Abdul Majeed Mengal the Magnificent.

Both of these gentlemen have dedicated their lives in impregnating their women. Day after day, wife after wife, they showed the World that with strong determination you can make as much babies as you want, regardless of women killed in the process because it is the end result that matters, be that as it may what is any achievement without sacrifice(s) .

These ever young gentlemen have made our country proud and hold a special place in the heart of every Pakistani. I cry myself to sleep thinking about the difficulties they have faced to father most children in the country.

We cannot be indifferent to the achievements of these gentlemen.

Jan Muhammad Khilji the Great is an earnest and determined fellow from Balochistan.

Apparent from his name, Khiljia is the ‘jaan’ of Pakistan and has blessed the country with 36 children. With an aim to give 64 more, this 47 year old is a medical technician by profession and a philanthropist at heart.

Jan Muhammad believes in creating and serving humanity and aims to be the father of 100. Khilji is set to compensate for all the losses Pakistan has faced in past few decades. Leading with 6 children is Haji Abdul Majeed Mengal the Magnificent.

Abdul Majeed is a 70 year old ladies man (Hugh Hefner who?), who is ambitious and young at heart. Majeed is also from Balochistan and lands top on the list of Great Men to Father Most Children. With 42 children, Mengal hopes Balochistan to be the most populous province of the country.

Husband to six has seen the death of 12 children and two wives. Life has challenged him in many ways but Mengal is not a quitter. He has devoted his life in creating lives that will help in bringing down the economy and hopefully overpopulating the country.

He is a hero.

Haji Abdul Majeed Mengal the Magnificent

Looking forward to the day where people outnumber rocks and learn to appreciate these unsung heroes of Pakistan.