FDA DG Orders Strict Compliance Of Housing Schemes Act

FDA DG orders strict compliance of Housing Schemes Act

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jan, 2025) Faisalabad Development Authority (FDA) Director General (DG) Muhammad Asif Chaudhry has directed the officials to ensure strict compliance of Housing Scheme Act for sustainable development of housing colonies in Faisalabad.

Addressing a meeting of land developers and their representatives here on Saturday, he said that the FDA would facilitate the establishment of private housing schemes on top priority basis. However, implementation on Private Housing Schemes Act of Punjab Development Authorities was imperative to ensure organized town planning by bringing housing schemes within the ambit of the law.

He outlined the relevant regulations and Punjab government's policies and urged the developers to operate within legal boundaries.

“Non-compliance would result in strict action”, he said, adding that FDA would also launch operation very soon against unauthorized activities in the development of housing colonies.

He also asked the defaulter developers to submit their outstanding dues immediately to avoid enforcement actions such as demolitions or sealing of their sales offices.

He further said that important reforms had been introduced to improve quality of FDA services in addition to expediting processing of applications for housing scheme approvals.

He urged the developers to fulfill departmental requirements and legal conditions without delay so that their applications could be approved promptly.

He also provided a list of outstanding dues to the defaulter developers in the meeting and directed them to ensure timely payments.

The defaulter developers assured the DG FDA that they would deposit their dues within a week.

The local developers of 27 housing schemes of Satiana Road including Chaudhry Yaseen, Rana Shaukat and Adnan Khaliq were present in the meeting in addition to Additional Director FDA Yasir Ejaz Chattha and Director Town Planning Asma Mohsin.