NPO To Organize Webinar On ‘Scaffolding Inspection’ Tomorrow


NPO to organize webinar on ‘Scaffolding Inspection’ tomorrow

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th Nov, 2024) The National Productivity Organization (NPO) will organize a webinar on “Scaffolding Inspection” on November 15 (Friday).

The objective of the webinar is to emphasize the importance of regularly inspecting and maintaining scaffolding to ensure the continued structural integrity of erected scaffolds, according to the NPO document shared here.

It is crucial that scaffolding has overhead protection to prevent accidents. Any tripping hazards including loose wires, ropes, misplaced tools, or material debris—should be removed.

The session will provide information about scaffolding introduction, regulatory standards and guidelines, inspection protocols, common hazards and risks associated with scaffolding, and a hands-on inspection activity.

The webinar is designed for middle management, team leaders, and supervisors.

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