Pakistan Should Develop Its Foundry, Allied Engineering Sectors On Modern Scientific Lines: Dr. Miroslav

Pakistan should develop its foundry, allied engineering sectors on modern scientific lines: Dr. Miroslav

Pakistan should develop its foundry and Allied Engineering sectors on modern scientific lines in collaboration with Slovakia to introduce mechanized agriculture in addition to value addition and exporting the surplus to earn precious foreign exchange, said Dr. Miroslav Matejka, President of the Association of Foundries and Forges of Slovakia

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Dec, 2024) Pakistan should develop its foundry and Allied Engineering sectors on modern scientific lines in collaboration with Slovakia to introduce mechanized agriculture in addition to value addition and exporting the surplus to earn precious foreign exchange, said Dr. Miroslav Matejka, President of the Association of Foundries and Forges of Slovakia.

He was attending the first meeting of the newly constituted FCCI (Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Standing Committee on Agriculture, Carbon Footprint/Zero Emissions, and Foundry & Allied Engineering on the special invitation of Engr. Ahmad Hassan convener FCCI sanding committee, here on Tuesday.

Dr. Miroslav Matejka was heading a 2-member delegation including Engineer Juraj Kovachik. Dr. Miroslav Matejka is also a member of Slovakia's expert commission on education and environmental protection.

He appreciated the proactive efforts of Engineer Ahmed Hasan to foster international collaborations in Pakistan's heavy manufacturing sector.

Discussions during the meeting revolved around critical issues affecting agriculture, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the foundry sector in Pakistan.

The participants underscored the need for adopting precision agriculture technologies and cultivating climate-resilient crops to boost agricultural yield. They also emphasized implementing industrial reforms to minimize GHG emissions, with a particular focus on energy-intensive industries such as foundries adopting sustainable practices.

Dr. Matejka and Engr. Kovachik highlighted the significant export potential of Pakistan’s foundry industry and assured their support for collaboration in advancing foundry technologies and heavy manufacturing sectors. The Slovak delegation also visited Chenab Engineering Works & Foundries Pvt Ltd, commending the facility’s high standards of workmanship.

The meeting was also attended by prominent members, including Engr. Asim Munir, Mr. Muzammil Sultan, Dr. Muhammad Arif, Dr. Muhammad Asif, and Mr. Muhammad Tayyab.

The Committee reaffirmed its commitment to driving tangible progress in its areas of focus, aiming for the betterment of Pakistan’s economy and the Faisalabad region in particular.