Pest Monitoring System Linked To Internet


Pest monitoring system linked to Internet

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th May, 2017 ) : Agriculture spokesman said on Monday that agriculture department has linked the pest monitoring system with its information technology system to make pest situation reports available on the internet to facilitate farming community in Punjab.

In a statement, the spokesman said that a modern system has been devised and linked to the Internet with the help from Punjab Information Technology board (PITB) to get information regarding pest infestation on cotton crop and how to keep crop safe from pests.

He said that efforts were underway at each district to help farmers identify the stage when pest infestation crosses the economic threshold limit (ETL) and how to cope with this situation.

He said that agriculture officials were working day and night to keep cotton crop safe against pest attack and advisories were being issued to farmers, either on the spot or through different sources of modern information communication systems.

The spokesman disclosed that cotton production contest would be held this year among the best cotton producing farmers in twenty cotton growing districts of Punjab. This policy was announced for the first time in 70 years history of cotton in the country, the release concluded.