Private Sector Must Be Encouraged To Provide Houses At Affordable Rates: Mian Adrees


Private sector must be encouraged to provide houses at affordable rates: Mian Adrees

Pakistan is facing an acute shortage of residential units and the government must encourage the private sector to provide houses with modern facilities and at affordable rates to the general public, said Mian Muhammad Adrees, former President FPCCI and FCCI

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Dec, 2024) Pakistan is facing an acute shortage of residential units and the government must encourage the private sector to provide houses with modern facilities and at affordable rates to the general public, said Mian Muhammad Adrees, former President FPCCI and FCCI.

Addressing the first meeting of FCCI Standing Committee on Real Estate Developers, he stressed the need for immediate vacation of stay order against Faisalabad Master Plan which has almost stalled most of the construction activities. He said that two cases are pending before LHC and its petitioners as well as stakeholders must take a unified stand and make collective efforts for the final disposal of the pending cases. About intra court appeal, he said that the same judge should decide the case who has heard the case. “Its transfer to any other judge may create unnecessary delay and legal complications”, he added.

Mian Muhammad Adrees said that CEO FESCO, MD WASA and Commissioner PRA should be invited from the platform of FCCI to amicably settle the conflicting issues with these departments. He said that FDA and WASA are imposing heavy fines on developers, hence a letter should be written to the legal team of FDA that under which law and ratio, developers are being fined.

He further demanded that the procedure for the approval of new housing schemes may be made simple and easy so that people could construct their own houses without any hassle. He further said that the minutes of this meeting should also be shared with all participants.

Muhammad Yaseen Convenor FCCI Standing Committee said "Our full focus should be on the restoration of the master plan so that the stuck up works should be restarted." He said that in this connection a meeting with DG FDA is scheduled for tomorrow. He requested Mubashir Chaudhary to apprise the house about the legal implications regarding the master plan. He said that an office of the developers association would be set up in FCCI complex which would look after the collective issues of the developers in addition to hiring the services of an attorney.

The meeting was also attended by Director General FDA Muhammad Asif Chaudhary, Muhammad Javed Bhatti, Zahid Naseem, Hamayun Arshad, Sohail Khattak, Muhammad Tofeeq, Mubashir Chaudhary and Sheikh Muhammad Ayub.