Shipping Activity At Port Qasim

Shipping activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31st May, 2017 ) : Five ships C.V UASC Al-Khor, C.V Maersk Kensington, C.V NYK Furano, M.V Santa Virginia and M.T Spruce-2 carrying containers, 23,163 tonnes Coal and 55,724 tonnes Diesel oil were arranged berthing at Qasim International Container Terminal, Multi Purpose Terminal and FOTCO Oil Terminal respectively during last 24 hours, said a report issued by Port Qasim Authority (PQA) here on Wednesday.

Meanwhile a bulk cargo carrier Eternal Triumph carrying 42,257 tonnes Coal also arrived at outer anchorage of Port Qasim during the same day. Berth occupancy was observed at the port at 75% on Tuesday where a total of twelve ships namely, UASC Al-Khor, Maersk Kensington, NYK Furano, MSC Mykonos, CMA CGM Tosca, Celebration, Rui Ning-2, Santa Virginia, Frontier Leader, MTM Singapore, Chemroad Saruna and Spruce-2 were occupied PQA berths to load/offload Containers, General Cargo, Coal, Canola Seeds, Phosphoric Acid and Palm oil and Diesel oil respectively.

Cargo handling during last 24 hours stood at 134,363 tonnes, comprising 117,738 tonnes import cargo and 16,625 tonnes export cargo inclusive of containerized cargo carried in 3,147 containers TUEs) 2,272 imports TUEs and 875 TUEs exports) was handled at the port.

C.V NYK Furano sailed out to sea on Wednesday morning, while another ship MTM Singapore is expected to sail on same day. Four ships C.V Deira, M.V Anthemis, M.T Epic Sardinia and M.T Maran Gas Asclepius carrying Containers, Canola Seeds, LPG and LNG are expected to take berths at QICT, MW-1, EVTL and EETL respectively on Wednesday, while M.V Lian Hua Ling is due to arrive at PQ on same day and C.V Mataquito is due to arrive Thursday and C.V Torrente and C.V APL Corla are due to arrive on Friday.
