Shipping Activity At Port Qasim


Shipping activity at Port Qasim

Shipping activity was report at the port where four ships, MTM Amazon, Venus, River Side and Annegrit carrying Palm oil, LPG, Fuel oil and Coal, berthed at Multi-Purpose Terminal-1, Engro Vopak Terminal, FOTCO oil Terminal and Pakistan International Bulk Terminal respectively on Monday

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Jan, 2025) Shipping activity was report at the port where four ships, MTM Amazon, Venus, River Side and Annegrit carrying Palm oil, LPG, Fuel oil and Coal, berthed at Multi-Purpose Terminal-1, Engro Vopak Terminal, FOTCO oil Terminal and Pakistan International Bulk Terminal respectively on Monday.

Meanwhile three more Container ships, GFS Ruby, Maersk Kensington and MSC Positano are also arrived at outer anchorage today January.

A total of ten ships were engaged at PQA berths during the last 24 hours, out of them a containers ship ‘MSC Maeva’ left the port on today early morning, while four more ships, MTM Amazon, Ardmore Cheyenne, Karrar and Venus are expected to sail on today.

Cargo volume of 151,712 tonnes, comprising 80,409 tonnes imports cargo and 71,303 tonnes export cargo carried in 4,435 Containers (596 TEUs Imports & 3,839 TEUs Export) was handled at the port during last 24 hours.

There are 28 ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them five ships, Maersk Kensington, MSC Positano, Au Taurus, Nord Valorous and Ivan-6 & another ship ‘Fuwarit’ carrying Container, Palm oil, Soya Bean Oil, LPG and LNG are expected to take berths at QICT, MW-1, LCT, EVTL and PGPCL respectively on today Tuesday,while two more container ships, Maersk Cabo Verde and One Reliability are due arrive at outer anchorage on Wednesday.