KP Government Urged To Review Decision On Construction Of Expo Center At Tarnab Farms


 KP Government urged to review decision on construction of Expo Center at Tarnab Farms

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Jun, 2017 ) : Civil society organizations have urged the KP government to review construction of Expo Center on the selected site on the historic Tarnab Farms developed by the British in 1908 for food security and development of various agricultural products to make the region self sufficient in both staple and cereal grains and different varieties of fruits and vegetables meant for local consumption as well as export purposes.

In a joint press release, Civil Society Organizations warned that the decision will deliver a huge blow to the agricultural industry and if the Tarnab farmland is not restored, the impact on the agriculture industry of KP will become irreversible.

Giving a background of Tarnab Farms, they said it was established in 1908 and the main areas of work are development of fruit nurseries, quality seed production, olive orchards establishment, soil and water testing services, insects and disease control, germination and food processing for the entire province.

The long term planning resulted in Peshawar valley becoming the food basket of the entire province in agriculture, producing variety of fruits, vegetables and grains. During its 109 years history, it has significantly contributed to the economic prosperity of the farming community through introduction and evolution of high yielding varieties of crops, fruits and vegetables, standardization of agronomic techniques and dissemination of the latest know-how on crop husbandry, soil management, fertilizer use and plant protection measures.

200 acre of barren land in Rashakai, Nowshera, was originally earmarked for the Expo center by both Federal Ministry of Industries and the KP government. They alleged that under pressure of KP Chamber of Commerce members, leading senators from PTI, as well as ANP led by Senator Ilyas Bilour, KP government diverted the original plan to precious agricultural Tarnab farms.

On 24th may 2017, during the ground breaking ceremony of the Expo Center, 25 acres of farmland was destroyed, with 50,000 of orange, peach, plum and others varieties of young saplings of being grown for farmers in KP and other regions (Gilgit_ Baltistan, AZK, Punjab and Afghanistan etc) for annual plantation season covering approximately 422 acres/ 3,376 of canals of land, they added.

Civil Society Organizations said Food security has been a serious global issue of concern in general and of Pakistan’s Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province in particular. Rising demand and population explosion with climate change resulting in severe weather patterns disrupting normal seasons and agriculture in the region, once again, the food security has emerged as a complex challenge and may lose centuries-old tradition of farming practices.
