2,469 Criminals Arrested During May

2,469 criminals arrested during May

FAISALABAD, June 5 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 05th Jun, 2017 ) : Police claimed to have arrested 2,469 criminals from different parts of the city during May 2017. A police spokesman said on Monday that arrested criminals include 1,337 proclaimed offenders, 413 target offenders, 361 drug traffickers, 253 illegal weapon holders and 105 court absconders.

Police also recovered 195 pistols, 32 guns, 11 rifles, 8 kalashnikovs, a number of bullets/cartridges, 158 kilograms charas, 2 kg heroin, 15.5 kg opium and 4,535 liters liquor from their possession besides unearthing 6 distilleries during this period.