5,65,000 Children Administered Anti-polio Drops


5,65,000 children administered anti-polio drops

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -6th Sept,2016) : A three-day anti-polio drive, as part of the Sub National Immunization Day, continued to administer anti-polio drops to children below five years of age.

This was stated by the Director Immunization Punjab Dr Munir while talking to APP here Tuesday adding that the campaign would target about 1.7 m children of below five years of age in 165 union councils of the city.

He said that the teams had administered anti-polio to around 5,65000 children in first day of the drive and hoped to achieve the fixed target within next two days. He said that total 4,319 teams are performing their duties which included 3,825 mobile teams, 167 transit and 327 fixed sites teams, implementing activities in line with National Emergency Plan for Polio Eradication.

He said that special efforts are being made to map and register population coming to the city from polio endemic-areas. He said that parents may also take their children to vaccination centers where staff would be available to vaccinate for nine vaccine preventable diseases as well.

In case of teams not visiting the area, parents could contact the helpline 0800 99000 during campaign days, he added.