Australian Researcher Visits Sargodha College Of Agriculture

Australian researcher visits Sargodha College of Agriculture

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Sep, 2022 ) :Renowned agronomist, researcher and teacher Professor Dr Rajendra Adhikari of University of Queensland, Australia, visited the College of Agriculture University of Sargodha here on Thursday.

According to a press release issued, the purpose of the visit was to promote academic research works in various fields of the agriculture sector with the institution and discuss about the ongoing project of Australian Center for International Cultural Research in the college.

He also visited the modern research projects on fruits, vegetables and citrus of horticulture department and various departments of Extension Agriculture department.

Dean Faculty of Agriculture Professor Dr Muhammad Athar Nadeem gave a briefing to Dr Rajendra Adhikari about the ongoing agricultural projects in the college.

Addressing the teachers, Professor Dr Rajendra Adhikari said that the world was facing problems due to climate change and the agricultural sector was being affected, adding that:" We have to start such innovative and research projects for our future generations which could improve agricultural production".

He said the agriculture extension department should create awareness among small citrus growers to improve their productivity and this is the main objective of the project.

Later, he also visited a modern citrus nursery established under the management of the departmentof horticulture and highly appreciated the work.