Breastfeed Practices Should Be Encouraged In Country: Health Expert


Breastfeed practices should be encouraged in country: Health Expert

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Augst,2016) ): "Breastfeeding practices should be encouraged in the country to make our future generation healthy," Dr Shahid Aziz Rep Pediatric Association said on Friday. Speaking with ptv World news in connection with Breast Feeding Week, he said breastfeeding is not only the cornerstone of a child's healthy development, it is also the foundation of a country's development. Global Breastfeeding Week is commemorated every year from August 1-7 and aims to create awareness about the importance of breastfeeding for infant and young children, he added. He informed that the Mother's milk is Best Medicine in the World and Mother milk is natural immunization for children, infants which is God gifted. "Breastfed babies have less chance of diarrhoea and vomiting, fewer chest and ear infections, less chance of being constipated and of becoming obese and therefore developing type 2 diabetes and other illnesses later in life, Shahid Aziz said. UNICEF Representative in Pakistan, Ms.

Angela Kearney, referring to importance of breastfeeding said, breastfeeding can save money infant formula, the sterilising equipment and feeding equipment can be costly. Even if a woman has been formula-feeding for a few days she could change her mind and breastfeed.

She said immediately after delivery of child breastfeeding secure him of all the diseases during pregnancy. In other case due to no breastfeeding during first month new born die of such diseases. She said in Pakistan mothers prefer to feed their childs through bottels because of declining trend of Breastfeeding.

She said it is a fact that in Pakistan healthcare providers do not have time to counsel new mothers as breastfeeding counselling, an important source of support for mothers. The awareness and behaviour of families and community need to be altered positively to promote breastfeeding through raising awareness among masses by using all channels of mass communication, she stressed.