Butcher, The Most Sought After Man As Eid Draws Nearer

Butcher, the most sought after man as Eid draws nearer

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -5th Sep,2016) : Butchers become most sought after personality on every Eid and this Eidul Adha is no exception. Countless muslims perform sacrifice on every Eidul Adha by slaughtering animals to revive the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaih Salam).

However, to make it happen as always on this occasion, they would meet a butcher and once they are in front of the most sought after man, the first line they would hear: "Sorry, I am booked already for the whole three days of Eid", says Aftab Ahmad, who along with six others sacrifice a big animal every year on Eidul Adha.

While not all butchers would behave like this but most would do to fortify their bargaining position, adds Aftab. In addition to buying sacrificial animals from the markets while observing safety measures to be away from threat posed by Ticks, people were also engaged in contacting butchers to hire their services for any of the three Eid days.

Their service charges vary for each day and the first day carries the highest price tag, says Mazhar, a car mechanic. He added that they demand Rs 5000 for small animal slaughter on the first day of Eid which reduces to Rs 3000 to 4000 during last two days.

However, for big animals like bull or camel, they would demand Rs 20,000 and Rs 10,000 to 15000 for normal size bull. Farhan, a butcher who sells meat at MDA Chowk, said that Eid is the occasion that they can avail to earn good but hastened to add its not greed that drives them to demand high service charges but the price hike.

Its becoming hard to make both ends meet, he said. Eidul Adha also brings opportunity to seasonal butchers to earn a few quick bucks. These butchers might charge people less but one must be sure whether they know how to slaughter an animal on Eidul Adha in accordance with Shariah.

Animals should be slaughtered in a way that they feel less pain but seasonal butchers make it hard on animals, says Amir, a resident of Nawan Sheher Multan. Every butcher wants to earn high on Eidul Adha and there is a need to introduce some mechanism for availability of services of trained butchers at reasonable price, Amir added.