Commissioner Lahore Zaid Bin Masood Reviews Schemes Under Lahore Development Plan

Commissioner Lahore Zaid Bin Masood reviews schemes under Lahore development plan

Commissioner Lahore Zaid Bin Masood along with Deputy Commissioner Syed Musa Raza visited various areas of Nishtar Zone and Data Ganj Bakhsh Zone to review the schemes under Lahore development plan

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Dec, 2024) Commissioner Lahore Zaid Bin Masood along with Deputy Commissioner Syed Musa Raza visited various areas of Nishtar Zone and Data Ganj Bakhsh Zone to review the schemes under Lahore development plan.

CO (MCL) Shahid Abbas Kathia, Additional Deputy Commissioner Finance Mudassar Nawaz also accompanied.

During the visit, the sites which have been finalised under the Lahore development plan were checked.

The commissioner said that work on the project will be started soon, which will provide the best roads to the citizens in Lahore.

In development plan, E-tendering system and MIS system have been introduced to maintain the quality, and contracts have been awarded to the successful contractors for the smooth work, the commissioner added.

The DC said that transparency and merit-based construction and development is being started in the city under the development plan, adding that practical steps are being taken to restore the beautification of the city.

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