Commissioner Reviews Cleanliness Efforts

Commissioner reviews cleanliness efforts

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Aug, 2024) Lahore Divisional Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood conducted an inspection tour of various city areas to review cleanliness efforts.

He visited Mianwan and Wahga areas, accompanied by Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) Chief Executive Officer Babar Sahabuddin.

During the inspection, the commissioner directed the Metropolitan Corporation Lahore (MCL), LWMC, and Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) teams to promptly clear stagnant water and litter in Mianwan. He also instructed WASA to clean the drain located between Mianwan and Ghous Garden.

Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood emphasized that accumulated waste and stagnant water in neighborhoods contribute to odors and health risks. He stressed that maintaining cleanliness is a shared responsibility between municipal departments and residents.

Citizens are urged to keep their streets clean and dispose of waste properly in designated bins. Without public cooperation, effective street cleaning is challenging. The administrative machinery has been instructed to clear the areas promptly.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood has issued instructions regarding rainfall management following reports of variable rainfall across the city. Some areas have experienced heavy rain, while others have seen minimal precipitation.

For areas with significant rainfall, the commissioner directed that WASA and MCL personnel continuously monitor and ensure the operation of machinery at disposal stations. He stressed that emergency teams must remain active in low-lying areas until the rain subsides. Assistant Commissioners are tasked with overseeing operations and checking underpasses to ensure effective water drainage.

The commissioner emphasized the importance of active teams from WASA, LDA, MCL, and CBD in their respective areas. Machinery in underpasses must be operational to ensure timely responses and avoid disruptions to citizen movement. Emergency teams are on standby to ensure smooth transit and address any drainage issues promptly.

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