DC Directs Round-the-clock Activation Of CCTV Cameras At Ramazan Bazaars

DC directs round-the-clock activation of CCTV cameras at Ramazan bazaars

FAISALABAD, June 5 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 05th Jun, 2017 ) : Deputy Commissioner (DC) Salman Ghani on Monday directed to keep Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras active round the clock at Ramazan bazaars to provide safe and secure atmosphere to people.

Chairing a daily review meeting, the DC directed the in-charges of Ramazan bazaars to accelerate their efforts for providing maximum relief to the customers in the bazaars. He said that daily checking of kitchen items should be conducted at all stalls in the Ramazan bazaars so that the common people could get quality items at subsidized rates during the holy month of Ramazanul Mubarak.