DC Reviews Cleanliness, Anti-encroachment Measures

DC reviews cleanliness, anti-encroachment measures

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Jan, 2025) Deputy Commissioner Syed Musa Raza on Wednesday visited various areas

of Shalimar tehsil to review the ongoing cleanliness and anti-encroachment


The DC inspected areas, including Singhpura, Baghbanpura, Muslimabad, Railway Station,

and Tajpura Scheme.

He said monitoring of the Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) workers in the field should be

ensured for cleanliness.

DC Musa Raza directed the assistant commissioner of Shalimar to ensure the removal of encroachments

and evacuation of animals from residential areas.

He also instructed that shopkeepers should be issued

notices and warnings for encroachment removal, and in cases where encroachments persist, machinery

should be used to demolish them.

The DC issued warning to LWMC officials, instructing them to improve cleanliness arrangements.

He emphasized that special attention must be given to cleaning major roads as well as medium

and underdeveloped areas.

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