ECP Issues Directions To Hold Transparent Bye-election In Kohistan


ECP issues directions to hold transparent bye-election in Kohistan

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Mar, 2017 ) : The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Tuesday issued directives to ensure free, fair and transparent election and to guard against corrupt practices in bye-election on May 10 in PK-62 Kohistan-II.

According to ECP, the all concerned have been asked to follow the directives in letter and spirit and any violation will be dealt in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution, the law and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

It said that any violation of these directives will be considered as corrupt practice under Section 78 of the said Act and punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine which may extend to Rs 5,000 or with both within the meaning of Section 82 of the said Act.

It said that none of the contesting candidates will exceed the limit of election expenses of Rs 10,00,000 for Provincial Assembly Constituency, in terms of sub-section (2) of Section 49 of the Representation of the People Act 1976.

Each contesting candidate will open an account with a scheduled bank on or before the scrutiny of nomination papers and deposit therein the amount of Rs 10,00,000 for Provincial Assembly Constituency, to meet the election expenses.

It said that no transaction towards the election expenses will be made through an account other than the account opened for the purpose.

All transactions relating to the election expenses will be entered with GST registered firms.

It said car rallies will not be allowed to travel long distances except if they have pre-arranged corner meetings at specific designated places. These meetings should be notified to the ordinary public by the local administration.

The local administration must also ensure that all candidates are accommodated indiscriminately. Similarly, no person or a political party will hoist or fix party flags on any public property or at any public place, except with the permission in writing from, and on payment of such fee or charges as may be chargeable by the concerned local government or authorities.

Wall chalking as part of an election campaign will be prohibited in all forms. Loudspeakers will not be used for election campaign except at the election meetings. It said that the political parties and candidates will convey their schedule of meeting at least one week in advance to the local administration.

It said that local administration will be responsible for making appropriate security arrangements and regulating such meetings in such a manner that equal opportunities are provided to the contesting candidates interested in holding rallies and meetings.