First Batch Of Students Complete French Language Course


First batch of students complete French language Course

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2017 ) : A certificate distribution ceremony was held for the first batch of French language course comprising of fifteen scholars held at UET Peshawar.

Engr. Dr. Prof Noor Muhammad Vice Chancellor UET Peshawar, hosted the ceremony in which course participants, Pakistan French Alumni Network members and faculty members participated. Andr DE BUSSY, Counselor for Cooperation & Cultural Affairs at Embassy of France in Pakistan was the guest of honor.

Dr. Muhammad Younas, Chairman Chemical Engineering Department welcomed the participants and gave a brief on UET Information Centre on Higher Education in France. He told that French Course was initiated with facilitation of Alliance Fran�aise de Lahore and Islamia College University, Peshawar.

Engr. Prof. Dr. Noor Muhammad reiterated his continuous support to the French Information Centre and French language courses. Andr� DE BUSSY told participants that this course is a big step to French Language promotion in the province.

The French Embassy said these courses will result in opening of a formal cultural centre in Peshawar in near future. He stated that higher education in France is the best in the world, and is almost free compared to other countries in Europe and Americas. The next batch will start in July 2017. APP/ijz/ff