Funeral Prayers Of Martyred Cop Offered In Lakki Marwat

Funeral prayers of martyred cop offered in Lakki Marwat

LAKKI MARWAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Sep, 2024) The funeral prayers of martyred police constable Abdur Rehman were offered in Police Lines Lakki Marwat with full official protocol and honour.

His funeral was attended by police and military officials, as well as a large number of locals.

A contingent of police presented guard of honuor to the martyred cop while special prayers were also offered for the departed soul.

The martyr was laid to rest in his native village Mastikhel with full honours, and prayers were offered for his eternal peace.

Police constable Abdur Rehman was shot dead by miscreants near Mastikhel village in District Lakki Marwat while on his way home after performing his duty.