Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tessori Lauds FIA's Role In Crime Prevention

Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tessori lauds FIA's role in crime prevention

Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tessori praised the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for its significant role in crime prevention, particularly in combating cyber crimes

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Aug, 2024) Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tessori praised the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for its significant role in crime prevention, particularly in combating cyber crimes.

He expressed these views during a meeting with the Director, FIA Sindh, Nauman Siddiqui, at the Governor House on Tuesday.

He emphasized the importance of acquiring modern technology to tackle these issues, viewing it as a positive step.

During the meeting, they discussed a range of topics, including the prevention of cyber crimes, the curbing of illegal activities and anti-corruption measures.

The Governor Sindh highlighted that preventing illegal activities was essential for economic prosperity.

Director Nauman Siddiqui assured that the FIA was committed to preventing illegal activities through the use of modern technology.