ICRC Condemns Quetta's Blast


ICRC condemns Quetta's blast

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th August, 2016) : The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Monday strongly condemned blast in Civil Hospital Quetta, in which precious lives were lost. Reto Stocker, head of the ICRC delegation in Pakistan, said, "We are shocked to see so many innocent people killed in cold blood just outside the casualty department of the Civil Hospital in Quetta.

Hospitals are places where lives are saved - there can be no justification for such horrendous acts. We share the grief and pain of the bereaved families at this difficult time." "Diminishing respect for hospitals, medical staff and ambulances is at the heart of the ICRC's concerns globally and in Pakistan.

The sanctity of healthcare facilities must be respected at all costs," he said in a press statement.