Independence Day Celebrations Held At Juvenile Prison

Independence Day celebrations held at Juvenile prison

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th Aug, 2024) Pakistan's 78th Independence Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and zeal at the Juvenile Prison in Hyderabad.

The event was organized by the Women Complaint Cell Hyd with the collaboration of Legal Rights Forum LRF .

The ceremony started with the hoisting of the national Flag.

In her address, Incharege Women Complaint Sayeda Qurat ul Ain emphasized the importance of independence and the need for the younger generation to work towards the development of the country.

She also appreciated the efforts of the jail administration in organizing the event.

She said that in Jails everything is being provided to the prisoners but they are not free so the main objective behind celebrating independence day here at Juvenile Jail is to realize the importance of freedom.

The children presented songs, and speeches on the occasion, showcasing their talent and creativity. The event concluded by Incharge Women Complaint with the vote of thanks.

Syed Nadeem Akhtar Superintendent Juvenile prison Hyderabad, Adv. Tabassum Rani Regional Co ordinator Legal Rights forum and others were present on the occasion.