International Day Of Persons With Disabilities Observed

International Day of persons with disabilities observed

Like other parts of the world the country observed "Person with disabilities Day" here on Tuesday

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Dec, 2024) Like other parts of the world the country observed "Person with disabilities Day" here on Tuesday.

The day was about promoting the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities at every level of society and development, and to raise awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic, and cultural life.

WHO joins the UN in observing this day each year, reinforcing the importance of securing the rights of people with disabilities, so they can participate fully, equally and effectively in society with others, and face no barriers in all aspects of their lives.

Minstry of Huamn Rights organized seminar and walk at NIRM hospital in this regard.

At its headquarters in Geneva, WHO organizes an annual IDPD event to educate the public, raise awareness, advocate for political will and resources, and celebrate WHO’s achievements. In 2022, the WHO launched the Global Report on health equity for persons with disabilities.

This report sets forth the approaches and actions that countries can take to address the health inequities that persons with disabilities experience.