JKDF Holds All Parties Conference On Illegal Revocation Of Kashmirs Special Status

JKDF holds all parties conference on illegal revocation of Kashmirs special status

Jammu Kashmir Democratic Forum (JKDF) France under the leadership of Asif Jarral held an all parties conference, in Paris with the backdrop of the Olympics, on the illegal revocation of Kashmir's special status enshrined in Indian Constitution's Article 370 and 35-A

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Aug, 2024) Jammu Kashmir Democratic Forum (JKDF) France under the leadership of Asif Jarral held an all parties conference, in Paris with the backdrop of the Olympics, on the illegal revocation of Kashmir's special status enshrined in Indian Constitution's Article 370 and 35-A.

The speakers condemned Indian actions and pledged their commitment to the liberation of Kashmir from the shackles of Indian occupation and remembered the victims and martyrs, paying tribute to those who sacrificed everything for the just cause of Kashmir, a news release said.

Pakistan's Ambassador to France, Asim Iftikhar reiterated the government of Pakistan's resolute policy on Kashmir, emphasising the sanctity of the UN Security Council's resolutions.

On the occasion, Muzzammil Ayyub Thakur urged participants to engage with the wider community to sway public opinion as has been done successfully with the Palestinian narrative.

Zaffar Qureshi reminded the audience of the history of Article 370 and 35-A, further adding that hopelessness did not exist in Kashmir and so Pakistanis should remain steadfast.