KU To Construct Seerat Chair Building

KU to construct Seerat Chair building

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2017 ) : A Seerat Chair building would be constructed at the Karachi University Campus, an official of the institution said on Wednesday. A meeting of the University Syndicate chaired by Vice- Chancellor, Prof.

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal Khan, accorded approval for the allocation of two acres of land at the campus for the construction of a building for the Seerat Chair. The minutes of last syndicate session held on 20th April 2017 were approved along with implementation report on the resolutions.

Minutes of the selection board held on May 2, 2017 were also approved. Two acres of land was allocated to Seerat Chair, University of Karachi building adjacent to UBL bank at the campus. Approval was given for the appointment of Prof.

Dr. Abu Tayyab Khan in Department of Bengali, Prof. Dr. Tabassum Mehboob in Department of Biochemistry, Prof. Dr. Majid Mumtaz in Department of Chemistry and Dr. Sabohi Raza in Department of Agriculture and Agribusiness Management as chairpersons for the period of three years.

The issue of overtime of employees of grade 1-20 who work after their duty hours was sent to finance committee for review. Provision of leave encashment was also approved. Approval was also given for compulsory advertising for appointments on posts of grade 1-16.

Higher education Commission (HEC) representative informed the members of Syndicate that the competent authority of HEC has approved all the decisions regarding the M.Phil. leading to PhD program in the recent BASR meeting.