Lahore Once Again Tops Air Pollution Index


Lahore once again tops air pollution index

Air pollution in Lahore soared on Tuesday with the Air Quality Index (AQI) reaching 609

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Nov, 2024) Air pollution in Lahore soared on Tuesday with the Air Quality Index (AQI) reaching 609.

The American Meteorological Agency has warned that Lahore will be under the influence of strong winds for the next three days due to which the smog situation is expected to worsen.

Lahore's pollution index may be 600 to 700 on November 6, 7 and 8. According to the forecast, smog-laden winds coming from India from east to west at a speed of 4 km per hour are affecting Lahore and adjacent Pakistani areas. In air pollution index, New Delhi is second with 408 score, Baghdad is third and Kolkata is fourth with 160 score.