Last Day Of PDA Family Festival Dedicated To Child Protection

Last day of PDA Family Festival dedicated to child protection

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Jan, 2025) On the last day of the Peshawar Development Authority's food & Cultural Family Festival at Central Park Regi Model Town here Sunday provided quality entertainment to the residents beside promoting critical social issues, including child protection.

The Directorate of Social Welfare (MDs) with the support of UNICEF, set up dedicated Child Protection Pavilion to highlight ongoing child protection interventions through Child Protection Units and Child Protection Vans.

The stalls theme , From harm to hope: A journey of Protection and healing children, aimed to raise awareness, sensitize the public, and generate dialogue about the challenges faced by vulnerable children, particularly those living on the streets.

Artwork by street children was also displayed alongside IEC materials on the importance of psychosocial support, community-based child protection case management, and other interventions.

Moreover, a dedicated space for families and children to experience and learn about the benefits of psychosocial support services was setup. Through this stall, the department aims to educate and advocate with public on preventing child protection violations and bringing these pressing issues to the forefront in a culturally engaging environment, to inspire public dialogue and action.

On the last day, a tree of dreams created by the children visiting the stalls, encourage to write the change they wish to see in the future world for them, the purpose of this activity was to give messages to the policy makers the responsibility of the changes these children’s vision relies upon them.

Children expressed the need for safer environment free of abuse, violence and exploitation and the need for quality education which will lead towards a brighter future.

Sohail Ahmad, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF during his visit to the child protection pavilion, in his remarks he mentioned that children are faced with numerous protection concerns in various spaces where they live, learn and play. The increasing engagement of children with on-line content also poses complex challenges to parents and caregivers to ensure their safety and protection. While there are many groups of children who are living in greater deprivations than others, children on the streets is particular example who demand an urgent attention and support mechanism.

He appreciated the efforts of Social Welfare Department to proactively seek various platforms and opportunities for amplifying advocacy on children's issues and emphasized that such interactions with children and caregivers through such cultural festivals certainly is an impactful way of socializing them with children's rights and promoting how to prevent violence against children. Connections between society and government for access to services like 1121 Child Protection Helpline and Child Protection Units at the district levels were also stressed.

The Directorate of Social Welfare extends heartfelt gratitude to UNICEF for support in advancing child protection.

A special thanks is also due to the Director General of PDA for providing a creative platform to engage families and communities in such a meaningful and impactful way.
