Media Advisor Ombudsman Out To Mobilize Overseas ‘Burewalians’

Media advisor Ombudsman out to mobilize overseas ‘Burewalians’

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Sep, 2024) Media Advisor to the Ombudsman Punjab Abdul Basit Khan said on Sunday that there

was a need to reorganize the overseas Pakistanis hailing from Burewala and help them

in the resolution of their problems through the office of Ombudsman Punjab.

Talking to APP, former distinguished bureaucrat, renowned actor Abdul Basit Khan said

that Burewala district had a rich history and it had produced great sons of soil over the

years, adding that there was a need to gather all the Burewalians at one platform.

He said, ‘the Primary objective of Burewalians is to address the challenges faced by

individuals in Lahore, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie and bring

successful people together to serve the district in a better way.

The Media Advisor to the Ombudsman further said the ‘Burewalians’ platform would

also help in redressal the issues faced by the local and overseas Burewalians through

the Provincial Ombudsman's office.

Abdul Basit Khan has taken the initiative to revive the Burewalians organization in Lahore.

He also has plans to announce the formation of an Overseas Burewalians Group in the

near future. Khan, who hails from Burewala, highlighted the rich history of Burewalians,

recognizing that progress had been hindered by various commitments.

He further said that social media platforms like the facebook would be helpful in bringing

the people together and know about their challenges.