`Modern Farming Can Increase Vegetables Output Many Times'

`Modern farming can increase vegetables output many times'

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Jun, 2017 ) : The use of modern techniques can increase vegetables output many times. There were examples in which growers got 3-4 times increase in vegetables output just with little effort on modern lines, a senior official of the Punjab agriculture department said while talking to APP here on Saturday.

He said progressive farmers of Lahore were using these techniques near River Ravi. The traditional farmers should also follow the same and increase their output, he added. "Its time to say good-bye to traditional farming and use modern farming for increasing vegetables output and earning better return", he said.

He also stressed the need of using Organic compost to increases agricultural and horticultural traits of fruits vegetables and enhances soil ability. He said the compost was a key ingredient in organic farming as the process of composting simply required making a heap of wetted organic matter known as green waste (leaves,food waste).

Those who are not aware of techniques for making organic compost could contact the agriculture department for learning formulation method.